An Audio Conference Call Services is a sophisticated technology which allows two or more users to conduct a meeting over any PSTN media. ConVox Audio Conference Services provides an excellent quality of voice with state of the art technology and industry best features
Participants can join conference by Dialing DID Number.
Moderator can reach participants by dialing out numbers.
Multiple conferences can be held parallely at the same time.
Provides various conference modes to serve the business needs.
Conference is secured with conference ID,PIN & Mobile authentication.
Provision for optional recorder.
Provides web-login for Scheduling,Monitoring Conferences and Managing accounts.
Participants can request to talk while on mute status.
Dial-In/Meet Me Conference : Participants can join conference by Dialing DID Number. Dial-Out Conference : Moderator can reach participants by dialing out numbers. Dial-In/Dial-out Mixed Conference : In a single conference both Dial-in or Dial-out can be used. Call Recording : Provision for optional recorder. Handraise : Participant can request to talk while on mute status
Interactive Mode: Both moderator and participants can interact/speak. Lecture Mode : Only moderator can speak. Participants will be in mute. Moderator Mode : Moderator will be mandatory for starting the conference. Concurrent Conferences : Capable of conducting Concurrent Conferences at any point in time.
Live Monitoring : Moderator can manage live Conference call. Scheduling : Moderator can send Agenda/Notification/Reminders by Scheduling conference. Reports : Moderator can access to reports like CDR & Billing.
Conference ID and PIN Authentication : Participants can join the conference by entering conference ID and PIN. Strict Caller Number Authentication : Participant should call from his invited number only to join conference. Contact Base authentication : Participant need to enter only PIN for joining conference.
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